Monday, July 11, 2011

glance back as we step ahead

 - posted by T

     Well, we have spent the last 114 days in a season that we will forever remember as our “first itineration.”  Our family has traveled over 8000 miles through six states during that time.  We communicated with a little over 30 churches and participated in services with 18 of those congregations.  I was also able to speak at a couple of school Bible Clubs, attend 3 preacher meetings, conduct one funeral, and speak 5 times at Project Acts (a local missions camp here in  West TN).  We have met our monthly budget goals and raised $7500 for Watoto Discipleship projects such as Bibles and portable sound systems.  When we have not been “on the road” we have been living with our Pastor, Randy Carter, and his wife Nancee.  Living with two godly people eager to explore their spiritual gifts of grandparenting has been a wonderful pleasure.  For better or worse our boys have learned how to sweetly “take over” a Sunday School class with stories of Africa.  Along the way we graduated from a few Facebook pics and some cool stories to a display table, official promo DVD’s, prayer cards, a website, and monthly email newsletters.  For whatever it’s worth – we at least FEEL more like missionaries now!

            We are keenly aware that the fruitfulness of this season is a testimony not to our productivity but to Divine Favor and Provision.  God has continually, despite our shortcomings, poured on us a steady stream of support and encouragement from friends, family, pastors, churches, and even strangers.  It is so humbling to realize that all we have really done in this process is tell God “Yes” and He has absolutely been the wind in our sail from that moment forward.  If you are reading this note, that means you are one of those blessings of encouragement in our lives and we are so grateful for you.  Please pray for us as we depart Tues afternoon July 12 from Nashville at 3pm.  We know that two consecutive 8hr plane trips will be a grueling stretch for Reynah.  If you have seen her recently, you know that Reynah and “stop” or “still” really have nothing in common.  Please continually pray with us that our transition to long-term ministry with Watoto will be a smooth one. 
            As I “pause” at midnight to write this note, with only about 20hrs of daylight left on American soil before our departure, I am so joyful for my sons.  In the last year of their lives they have learned so much about calling, supernatural provision, and God’s love.  My sons are learning that surrender to Christ means partnership with other Christians.  They have learned that God is our family’s source of income.  They have learned to embrace God’s global campaign of redeeming souls.  They have learned that friends are the most valuable resource anyone can possess.  I pray this note finds your family focused on your Maker.  May you be found wrestling with your calling.  May you enjoy the rich fellowship of partnering with other believers for a greater cause.  May your children grow in the knowledge of God as they participate with you in a Kingdom cause.


  1. Your lives are such a blessing! I look forward to hearing the news from your Blog. And GOD is truly faithful to those who obey HIS voice. Your sacrifices will not be in vain because SOULS are the only thing that transfers from earth to heaven when we go. Take as many as you can with you! Heaven will be filled with PRAISE! Love you and Mika and those little angels you are tending right now. They are blessed to have you two as parents.

  2. Mika and Thomas...when i heard about your ministry across the country it was a sign of hope from God that you would reach out to someone who needed to hear the right words at just the right time...and now your going to be a part of something much bigger than i ever imagined. It takes more than just mental fortitude to do what you guys are doing it takes the very strength of God working through you. I think back to when i was just a kid watching you two get married not truely understanding the plan God had for yall or just where he would take you and now its just blown my mind what we as humans are capable of when we say yes to the calling Jesus has for us....You guys are incredible and you are truely an inspiration for me to open myself up fully to the calling God has for can believe ill be keeping a look out for the blogs you guys post about the amazing things the Lord is giving you a chance to guys will be in my prayers everyday.

    P.S. your kids are beautiful and their willingness to do this lets me know God blessed them with having parents like yall
